
React JS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS | Git Bash, Visual Studio Code, Chrome DevTools
Jammming is a React JS web application that saves user's created playlist to their Spotify account. Users will also have the option to see more information about a selected song as well as preview of the song if available.
At this time you would not be able to use this app as it is currently in the development phase with Spotify.
This website was created with the "create-react-app" command in Git Bash. It was further developed in Visual Studio Code by using JSX, JavaScript, HTML and CSS and the responsiveness was tested by using the Chrome DevTools.
SunCon Investment

HTML, CSS | Visual Studio Code, Inkscape, Chrome DevTools
This project was built as a starting point for the company's responsive website. It would house the information about SunCon, the projects that they worked on as well as information about the team members in the company.
I created it in Visual Studio Code by using HTML and CSS and the responsiveness was tested by using the Chrome DevTools. I also used Inkscape to create their Logo.

HTML, CSS | Visual Studio Code, Chrome DevTools
Project Fotomatic had a broken version of a responsive website which was fixed by following the specs that were provided as a helping guide to make adjustments to the broken code.
I updated it's responsiveness in Visual Studio Code by using HTML and CSS and the responsiveness was tested by using the Chrome DevTools.
Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts

HTML, CSS | Visual Studio Code, Chrome DevTools
Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts is a fictional arts and crafts store that sells a few types of art supplies. This website's styling (font sizes, colors, etc.) was improved after using the specs that were provided as a base guideline/foundation.
I created it in Visual Studio Code by using HTML and CSS. I added a bit of responsiveness and tested it using the Chrome DevTools.
Number Guesser

JavaScript, HTML, CSS | Visual Studio Code
This number guessing game is powered by JavaScript function.
This website's game was updated with JavaScript and customized with a bit of HTML and CSS.
G.A.S.P. Portal

JavaScript, HTML, CSS | Visual Studio Code, Chrome DevTools
This G.A.S.P (Gods Academy Student Portal) project is the portal's login page for the fictional Gods Academy School. This is where students can login to the portal, activate their account or submit a request to the school.
I created this website in Visual Studio Code by using HTML and CSS and the responsiveness was tested by using the Chrome DevTools. I also used JavaScript to display a message when attempting to submit the forms.